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October 2024
General Reading


(for anyone who finds this while it is posted :)

I use tarot as a mind-opening tool; a method for seeing more than what you are used to seeing; a way out of a rut; a creative exercise; a light for when all others have gone out.



If you'd like a personal tarot reading on pretty much any topic you want, you can email me at moon star echo @ gmail. com, or just head over to my Etsy shop.  ♥

PLEASE, remember not to take this too seriously! It's just for fun. YOU (and chance/fate) are the controller of your own destiny, not me and not the cards. <3


I'm really late posting the October reading. Oopsy daisy. But I still want to do one! So, here we go!


For this month, I planned a little spread, which you can see above, in order to get specific messages for u & me & whoever is reading this.​


Inspiration - 9 of Cups

9 of Cups is the wish card. Is your inspiration coming from your heart? Are you inspired at the surface level, or is there a higher vibration, something deeper, that is stirring you to act and create?

A dream is a wish your <3 makes, when you're fast asleep. 

No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, a dream that you wish will come true.


Peace - 10 of Pentacles

Peace is possible in every moment. Harmony with the people around you, and in the relationships that are most important to you, is so valuable. Protecting your peace changes everything everything so much and it is a long-term investment. And it feels good.


Love - Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is the independent queen, the kind & free spirit. She does no harm and takes no shit. If a person or situation is hurting you or lowering your vibrations, it's totally OK to do what the Wand Queen would do--step away. There is a whole galaxy of love in a multitude of forms all around you and inside of you for you to nurture with your magical energy.


Intuition - 6 of Wands

Plants know which way to grow. They don't spend their whole lives overthinking things like we do. They simply let themselves bend towards the warm sunlight that lets their flowers bloom. 





Zine: The Double Star


The Double Star is a 2024 zine by me, Echo the Human. In it, I wrote about pulling the Star card twice in one reading and about the Star card itself (being the tarot's token of hope).


If you're interested in this zine, you can find it at my Etsy shop, or at Quimby's Bookstore if you're in Chicago. <3




personal readings

If you'd like a personal tarot card reading, please head over to my Etsy shop, where you can purchase an emailed reading.

I love doing those and I hope you'd love receiving it! :)


You can also email me at moonstar echo @ gmail. .com  to arrange an in-person reading (in Chicago), or if you have any questions.


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I love helping people through cartomancy (card divination). I've been reading tarot cards since I was a kid!


My reading style is not so much about trying to tell the future or read people's minds, though that kind of inexplicable stuff does sometimes come up anyway.


Rather, I use the cards to help illuminate things that can otherwise be hard to see. It's something that helps me a lot when I feel confused or upset or stuck in a rut, or anytime really. And so I like to offer it to help others illuminate their paths, as well. :)


Thanks for stopping by! 🌟🌸


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